Friday, October 16, 2015

Obstacles and Devils

As I have been growing and learning over the past years,  have heard many times that when you are on the correct path of this Buddhist practice you may encounter the three obstacles and four Devils. And while I would nod and agree I tended to think I was personally creating my obstacles and was personally my own devil. I knew that my own tendencies often sabotaged me and that if I could only control them I would eliminate them.

I looked at everything negative going on as a test and that with perseverance and self control I would put the bad parts of me behind and then I could be victorious. Get rid of your old habits, your old thinking patterns, your old feelings and find new ones. That is what it means to be a winner.

In the past couple of weeks I am viewing the obstacles and Devils I am facing differently.  What I have been dealing with is part of strengthening my faith not testing it. I don't need to be someone else or do something else. I really need to trust myself and remain confident that I am the person I am intended to be.  What I am realizing is that experiencing  a hardship is what allows me to bring out wisdom, courage and compassion for myself and others.

The easy part for me is the ability to be there for others. The struggle I have had is to be there for me.

After studying the Teachings for Victory by "Sensei", it opened my eyes to the fact that I have been given the opportunity to show my faith and remain true to myself.  This is not a test.....this is life and it is one of absolute happiness that can only be lived by living.

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