Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Buddhist Benefits

In this wonderful practice you receive conspicuous and inconspicuous benefits. Of course it is important that you do your part in exerting yourself in faith, practice and study and also take action to move yourself further along in achieving your goals.

Those goals and determinations can be lofty or simple or a combination of both. Most recently I have been determined to have an active and happy life in Chicago that includes fun, friends and feelings of connection to people and places. I am also determined to have financial freedom to be able to have this active life and still plan for my future.

The past couple of days have brought me the conspicuous benefits of this practice. My couple of outings with friends were fantastic as we found deals on dining and wine. I was able to have a friend visit and prepare a dinner and wine with things I had in the place. We had the fun and I felt connected.  A benefit that occurred that I was not expecting was winning a basket of products from a raffle at the Aveda store which is a financial gain that I can use in my next activity vs buying products I use daily.  I was invited to join a book club that provides me the activity and connections to like minded people.  These benefits were what I had chanted for and asked for and because they can be seen are the conspicuous type.

The inconspicuous benefits I received were those that helped me along in my determination to be a better person and overcoming my negative tendency to find fault with myself or/and doubt my ability to be important to others. Amazingly the two women I hung out with the past two days showed me and let me know that I have made a difference in their lives and that the Regina I am is a good Regina  to be. The inconspicuous benefit of self acceptance and unconditional friendship were so valuable to me.

I continue to chant for wisdom and guidance on where I am supposed to be and what I am supposed to do at this phase in my life but the wonderful experiences and benefits I am receiving are indicators that I am connected to the universe and I am bringing out my Buddha nature for myself and others.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Creating causes and experiencing the effect

One of the key concepts in Nicherin Buddhism is that our causes produce an effect.  Causes are created by our thoughts, words and actions.  And if we put our energy in making sure that our thoughts are positive, our words are encouraging and our actions are linked to a good outcome, we are connected to the energy of the universe that will lead to the Vodka Victory and Vodka Happiness that we are seeking in this existence. 
Today I focused on ensuring that my actions were driving to meeting the expectations of my current role in the workplace and keeping connections with people that I value an want to keep in my life.  At the end of my work day, I was feeling pleased with how things went.  I connected with a couple of friends that I have let the relationship take a back seat and am pleased that reaching out resulted in confirmation that we are connected. 
For me, the important thing is to realized that what I do, what I say and what I think will determine my happiness in the future as well as my happiness now.  That says to me - Regina, make sure you are thinking of the possibilities, not of the what ifs........

Learning from other Buddhist Women

Yesterday I attended a Women's Division meeting for those who live in the Downtown Chicago chapter.  It was amazing to see such a diverse group in so many ways.  Age, skin color, wardrobe style, orientation, economics, primary role, shoe color, ethnicity, jewelry and all the other things that make us individuals.  We all brought our unique "Buddha seeking selves' to the meeting.

Typically I am not one to get excited about attending an organized event.  I think it has to do with all of the things you are 'required' to attend when you were in school clubs, work teams, church groups and such.  I think that for me, it is the expectation of being part of the group is the thing I fight.  I do not want to have to meet one more obligation that I do not want to keep. 

The hard part about this is that as members of the SGI family, we gain so much when we do participate in activities.  So while I hate the obligatory feeling, I always leave a meeting having learned something about myself or others that helps me become the kind of person who can find ultimate happiness.

Yesterday was no different for me.  I listened to five women share their experiences in how they had to face things that were difficult in their lives, but with courage and determination and continuing to chant, they overcame those challenges and were better for them in the end.  This is the true aspect of this practice.  There is always a victory that can occur.

In a small group discussion after listening to experiences, I was able to share with others and hear their thoughts on what are some of the things we face that might keep us from finding true happiness within ourselves.  It was amazing that as we took turns reading what potential mindsets and attitudes were, we all had to read the one that we were struggling with in the moment.  How mystic is this universe that we get the message we need in the moment of need. 

The 5 things that can keep us looking inside ourselves and are:  Evading responsibility and blaming others or the environment, Escapism or not meeting challenges, Doubt and despair that leads to grumbling and complaining, Jealousy and resentment and Fear or Lack of courage.

When I think and ponder on all five of them, I can identify times in my life that each one of them took on a life of its own and it left me powerless and unhappy.  With this practice of Nicherin Buddhism, I know that it is my mission to fight those negative tendencies once and for all and put them behind me. 

It is when those tendencies have been replaced by the resolve that no matter what is happening, who I am with, or what thoughts want to sneak out of my unconscious - I am capable of bringing out my Buddha nature that is made up of courage, wisdom, compassion and job and therefore I can bring happiness to myself and those around me.

With the examples of the strong and wonderful women I have met along my journey, I can hold that truth and see it in action. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Peace and Purpose lead to Vodka Victory and Vodka Happiness

As I sit in my present space and think about where I have been and where I am going, I realize that at the bottom of everything, my Buddhist practice has helped me take responsibility for where I am now and where I want to go.  Prior to this, I always wondered why this or that was happening to me, why some higher power was punishing or rewarding me, or why life was happening around me and I was affected by it.  Now I realize that I have created causes in my past and present life that will have an effect in this and my future life. 
So what does that really mean for me?  It means that I need to take responsibility to create my current and future happiness.
When I first joined the SGI and started chanting, I could not remember the "ultimate" goal or focus.  I knew I was chanting for my happiness and the happiness of others.  I knew I was chanting to overcome my own personal negativity and find happiness in my current state.  In all my studies, conversations with fellow SGI members and reading guidance from President Ikeda, the word "Ultimate" kept coming up, but for some reason it kept escaping me.  Finally I was able to make a personal connection that Absolute was a type of Vodka (which I personally knew) and since then I have been striving for a Vodka Victory and Vodka Happiness.  Victory over my current and past karma and Happiness in my current and future life. 
As I continue to live my Vodka Victory and create my Vodka Happiness, I am committed to sharing with others the journey in hopes that they too can find the peace and purpose of life that I have found.