Thursday, June 25, 2015

Peace and Purpose lead to Vodka Victory and Vodka Happiness

As I sit in my present space and think about where I have been and where I am going, I realize that at the bottom of everything, my Buddhist practice has helped me take responsibility for where I am now and where I want to go.  Prior to this, I always wondered why this or that was happening to me, why some higher power was punishing or rewarding me, or why life was happening around me and I was affected by it.  Now I realize that I have created causes in my past and present life that will have an effect in this and my future life. 
So what does that really mean for me?  It means that I need to take responsibility to create my current and future happiness.
When I first joined the SGI and started chanting, I could not remember the "ultimate" goal or focus.  I knew I was chanting for my happiness and the happiness of others.  I knew I was chanting to overcome my own personal negativity and find happiness in my current state.  In all my studies, conversations with fellow SGI members and reading guidance from President Ikeda, the word "Ultimate" kept coming up, but for some reason it kept escaping me.  Finally I was able to make a personal connection that Absolute was a type of Vodka (which I personally knew) and since then I have been striving for a Vodka Victory and Vodka Happiness.  Victory over my current and past karma and Happiness in my current and future life. 
As I continue to live my Vodka Victory and create my Vodka Happiness, I am committed to sharing with others the journey in hopes that they too can find the peace and purpose of life that I have found. 

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