Monday, June 29, 2015

Creating causes and experiencing the effect

One of the key concepts in Nicherin Buddhism is that our causes produce an effect.  Causes are created by our thoughts, words and actions.  And if we put our energy in making sure that our thoughts are positive, our words are encouraging and our actions are linked to a good outcome, we are connected to the energy of the universe that will lead to the Vodka Victory and Vodka Happiness that we are seeking in this existence. 
Today I focused on ensuring that my actions were driving to meeting the expectations of my current role in the workplace and keeping connections with people that I value an want to keep in my life.  At the end of my work day, I was feeling pleased with how things went.  I connected with a couple of friends that I have let the relationship take a back seat and am pleased that reaching out resulted in confirmation that we are connected. 
For me, the important thing is to realized that what I do, what I say and what I think will determine my happiness in the future as well as my happiness now.  That says to me - Regina, make sure you are thinking of the possibilities, not of the what ifs........

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