Sunday, September 13, 2015

Daily Challenges - Not a Win or Lose

“While it is important to win, it’s even more important to remain undefeated no matter what happens.”  Daisaku Ikeda

Everyday I am challenged by something.  It could be as simple as deciding what top to wear that does not make me feel fat to how to take care of Mom and make her feel valued from a distance.  The reality is that each of these decisions and actions do not constitute a win.   I still get to work and look in the mirror and realize the top is not flattering.  I call Mom and realize I cannot fix her TV from Chicago and feel guilty that I am not in Grand Rapids.  I am late for a meeting, I ate too much for dinner, I was too tired to study or read, I was too lazy to exercise and had a glass of wine instead.  All daily challenges.

And, these challenges never end.  As long as we continue to breathe and exist, there will be a challenge.  The question is whether overcoming the challenge would really be a victory or win. 

Human Revolution is looking at the things that are causing you unhappiness and are causing you to act in a way that is continuing the cycle.  Once you realize what those things are, you put out a determination to change and begin to take action to ensure you do not continue the cycle.  It is when you stop the pattern, you have a win.  However, while you are doing your work to identify the patterns and deal with the day to day challenges, the key is to not give up.

To give up would be to admit defeat.  But to keep looking at your thoughts, your words and your actions is a victory in itself.  Every challenge we face, allows us to keep on the path of being a winner or to give in and admit failure.

What I love about this Nicherin Buddhist practice is the realization that everyday is my opportunity to not be defeated, and eventually I do win.........

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