Sunday, September 27, 2015

Chanting is the Blessing that Helps Being Human

How many opportunities do you need in one day or even two days to demonstrate that you have a Buddha nature inside you that is just waiting to show itself? 

I started out this weekend thinking I was in rhythm with the universe and that I was going to be the model daughter, sister, mother and grandmother.  I have been aware of my past actions, my past thoughts and anticipating my current reality and just knew that I was prepared and in a good place to accept all that came my way..............

NOT....this is the part of our human revolution.  It is not the intellectual part, but the emotional part that I continue to be challenged by.   This weekend I struggled to be the kind and loving daughter I have chanted and thought I came to that place:  I struggled to be the supporting and loving sister I need to be to avoid any drama and estrangement as we deal with mom and her aging; and I struggled to be the loving mom that was all about the kids and not about me........

At the end of the day, my actions did not put a separation between where I want to be and where I am - but my mental angst was constantly in flux. 

I am thankful and so appreciative that there is a quick and easy way to deal with all of the issues.  As I feel myself getting out of sync with the rhythms of the universe I begin chanting and a peacefulness and calm takes over. 

I am ever thankful for this practice and know that it keeps me aware of both my humanism and my potential for Buddhism at the same time.  What a gift and blessing.


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