Friday, September 4, 2015

Stress Leads to Finding Courage

As I was searching the SGI website for some wisdom and something that connected to me for today, I found an article about stress and the encouragement that my Buddhist practice could help me become a person that handles stress differently so that it doesn't take a complete toll on your emotions, your body and your mind.  The ultimate way to change how you deal with stress is to chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and be so focused that you:
  • Strengthen your commitment to kosen-rufu.
  • Take control and envision your desired outcome.
  • Confidently challenge the situation with determination.
As I am dealing with the issues that are causing me stress right now, I am feeling some of the effects on my body and my spirit.  But rather than give into all that negative energy, I am increasing my chanting and taking things one moment at a time.  I am working very hard to not project a distorted outcome and to not look outside myself for blame and fixes.  I am working to remember that everything that I am experiencing today is a result of causes I created in the past. 

This keeps me grounded that any challenge I face is a catalyst for my Human Revolution and that I have everything within me to come out victorious in the end.

Right now I don't exactly know what the end will be or what victory looks like, which is why I need to focus on the second bullet point of 'taking control and envisioning my desired outcome".  In some ways I see two potential outcomes, but if I look deep within my heart I really only desire one. 

So right now I need to find the courage to create the life I want, to speak for myself, to accept the effects of the causes I created and to know that in the end, my Buddhist practice will allow my  Buddha nature to shine through. 

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo 

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