Thursday, July 23, 2015

Fit bit = Buddhism Winning

I attended my district meeting tonight and was so inspired and encouraged.  We talked a lot about winning - what that really means if you are a Buddhist and how it is about never giving up, despite the obstacles that come your way. 

Understanding different Buddhist concepts intellectually is typically not a problem for me.  I get it, I can relate to it and I am "all in" at the moment.  However, going home and getting back into daily life is where I often struggle.  I get the part of not giving up and I get that it won't be easy, but then something comes along and I have to fight my fundamental darkness that takes me to the victim place, that looks at everyone and everything else as the source of my problems and wants to stay there rather than move on.  Moving on is the important part.  It is called human revolution when we can look at ourselves and see what we are doing to create the situation or know that we have an opportunity to overcome our karma created in the past by how we handle today. 

All this brings me to my fit bit that I have been wearing for the past few weeks.  It is such a feeling of satisfaction when it buzzes on my wrist when I have logged my 10K steps.  It feels so good to look at the dashboard and see how I have reached the goal on a consistent basis.  I like seeing the badges that I have received because of some milestone I have reached.  It all is there for me to see when I look at my the wristband or look at the application for the summary.        

When I think about it, my Buddhist practice allows me the same feelings of accomplishment.  I know the daily feeling of being "okay with the world" when I do morning and evening gonyo..  I record my 15 minutes of chanting in my daimoku book and can see the progress I am making towards the million challenge.  I look at the goals I set for the year and know that it is not the day to day that is important but the overall goal and I see the blessings that come into my life as a result and know those are the badges that are signifying my progress.

There are days that I am close to my goal on the fit bit that I just want to jump on the bus and not walk home.  There are days in my practice that I don't want to take the time to chant.  I guess that is part of my challenge to win in this life.  I know that every step I take adds to my daily fit bit goal and I know that everytime I say Nam Myoho Renge Kyo I am getting one step closer to winning in my Buddhist practice. 

While I struggle in my day to day to make the intellectual the reality of my life , there is no question that every step I take is bringing me closer to being a winner.  Some one who does NOT give up despite the challenges that come my way.   The important part of winning is knowing your goals, keeping track, celebrating success and then facing the challenges head on..........

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