Wednesday, July 1, 2015

In Rhythm with the Universe

Sometimes things happen and there is really no explanation on why. You did not put energy towards it. You did not chant for it. But yet it happened. 

For me it was having my name drawn and winning a basket of Aveda products. I recently went to the store to buy something I do on a regular basis and saw there was a charitable event going on. You donate so much and you are entered into the drawing for a product give away. Much to my surprise I won and what was included in the "basket" of products was amazing. Hair and shampoo things I normally buy but also skin cleansing and lotion that I would have passed on. It was a windfall that I least expected. 

I am daily reminded that this pursuit of Vodka Happiness is a reality. Good things happen to me daily that show me how connected I am to the rhythm of the universe. My challenge and focus is to look for those connections and be grateful and appreciative that by chanting I am keeping myself in sync with what I need to grow and realize my inherent Buddha nature. 

My chanting tonight is in gratitude and for wisdom to recognize the times that I am in rhythm even if it isn't obvious to me. 

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