Friday, July 24, 2015

Living creates your life

For many people the notion of living creates your life makes complete sense and is almost like saying water is wet.  I'm not one of those who just happened to understand easily.

For most of my life I wanted to have a life but thought there were things going on that I did not understand. There was more to it than just me. There was a fairy godmother behind the scenes waving her wand. There was a score keeper putting checks in the boxes. There was a gargoyle sitting up high watching all that was going on and giving the eye to things. There was a god interjecting his master plan. Whatever was going on was outside of me and I had to make the best of it.

My Buddhist practice has taught me and shown me that I am creating my life now and in the future. It is not something outside of me; it is me. Through my thoughts words and actions I create my present life and I can make it a positive experience, a negative one or one that just slips in. It is my choice and mine alone.

Once I understood that I was able to see how my past and recent thoughts and actions are being played out in my life. In Buddhism it is a case of cause and effect. Create a cause intentionally or not, you experience the effect. My words, thoughts and actions are creating my life.

The interconnection of every thing is not by the hands of the the fairy godmother, the score keeper, the gargoyle or the god but by my recognition and acceptance that we are the mystic law and the mystic law is us. No separateness.  This is a fundamental concept of Buddhism that brings me back to the beginning and the end.

Living is creating my life and by owning my day to day living I am creating a good future day to day living too. 

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. 

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